108 update for today: My status? Tired, but happy. Yesterday's practice really knocked me out and today I joined my downstairs neighbours for a 108 starting at 7am. We did it Anthea's way: basic surya namaskar holding downward dog for five breaths every sixth sun salutation. It feels monotonous for the first half, but then you get into a nice rhythm and it becomes really meditative and effortless. As we were going through the repetition of surya namasakar A, I kept thinking about the conversation I had on the weekend with Antoine, a yoga instructor from the Art of Living Foundation. We were talking about the different ways I usually do the 108 and I explained how I like to change it up and do different postures so that my practice is balanced and so I don't get bored. He said smiling, "Sometimes it's good to get bored." He's right. It's a great challenge for the mind. It helps us train the mind to be stable and still.
Campaign update & Upcoming events: I'm still raising money for the Canadian Institute for the Blind until the end of May. I have a bunch for community practices coming up to help me fund-raise. The schedule is pasted below. Hopefully, you can make it out to one of the practices. If you can't and are interested in sponsoring me, here's the link to my CNIB fund-raising page and you can make a donation online: http://bit.ly/amEge5
Thank you. I really appreciate your support and encouragement. :)
Every Monday 2:30 – 4:30pm: 108 Surya Namaskar
Centre Holistique Om West, 46-3 rue Ste Anne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9S 4P8
(Bus 211 from Lionel Groulx)
T: 514-905-8020 * Yoga by donation ($10 – 20) to non-profit organizations
May 28, 2 – 4pm: Meditation & 54 Surya Namaskar
Studio Bliss, 3841 Saint-Laurent, Montreal, QC, RSVP 514-286-0007
* Yoga by donation ($10 – 20) to CNIB/ Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous
May 29: YOGA DAY for CNIB (36 Surya Namaskar with Yasmin)
In support of CNIB & The Great Canadian Yoga Stretch Challenge
Centre Holistique Om West, 46-3 rue Ste Anne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9S 4P8
RSVP 514-905-8020 | events@westislandyoga.com
May 30, 10am – 1pm*: Yoga Mala (108 Surya Namaskar)
In support of Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous ($50 minimum contribution)
Parc Jeanne Mance-- corner Duluth/Esplanade
*If rain: Studios Lyne St-Roch, 103-4416 Saint-Laurent, 2 - 5 pm
RSVP dawn@dawnmauricio.com or bram.levinson@gmail.com
June 3, 7:00 – 8:30pm: Meditation & 54 Surya Namaskar
Charlie*Sattva*yoga-à-porter, 260 Bernard West, Montreal, QC
RSVP 514-510-5788 *Yoga by donation to David Suzuki Foundation
June 6 (9am–12pm): 180 Surya Namaskar + Potluck Brunch
Loft Crudessence, 5333 rue Casgrain, Suite 801, Montreal, QC
RSVP 514-271-0333 *Yoga by donation to DSF/ bring a veggie dish to share
June 12 (5:30 – 7:00pm): 54 Surya Namaskar by Candlelight
Lululemon Fairview, 6815 Transcanada, Pointe Claire, QC
RSVP 514-695-3613 *Yoga by donation to DSF
June 21-25, 6 – 9 am: Sunrise Sun Salutations + Breakfast
On the pier, one block east of Cartier St in Pointe Claire Village.
If rain @ Om WestCost: $120 for full week/ $200 for two weeks / $25 day
RSVP 514-905-8020 | www.westislandyoga.com (part of proceeds go to DSF)
June 28-July 2, 6 - 9am: Sunrise Sun Salutations + Breakfast
On the pier, one block east of Cartier St in Pointe Claire Village.
If rain @ Om WestCost: $120 for full week/ $200 for two weeks / $25 day
RSVP 514-905-8020 | www.westislandyoga.com (part of proceeds go to DSF)
FOR DETAILS VISIT: www.practicebliss.com/calendar/
More events added each week!

Thank you. I really appreciate your support and encouragement. :)
Every Monday 2:30 – 4:30pm: 108 Surya Namaskar
Centre Holistique Om West, 46-3 rue Ste Anne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9S 4P8
(Bus 211 from Lionel Groulx)
T: 514-905-8020 * Yoga by donation ($10 – 20) to non-profit organizations
May 28, 2 – 4pm: Meditation & 54 Surya Namaskar
Studio Bliss, 3841 Saint-Laurent, Montreal, QC, RSVP 514-286-0007
* Yoga by donation ($10 – 20) to CNIB/ Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous
May 29: YOGA DAY for CNIB (36 Surya Namaskar with Yasmin)
In support of CNIB & The Great Canadian Yoga Stretch Challenge
Centre Holistique Om West, 46-3 rue Ste Anne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9S 4P8
RSVP 514-905-8020 | events@westislandyoga.com
May 30, 10am – 1pm*: Yoga Mala (108 Surya Namaskar)
In support of Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous ($50 minimum contribution)
Parc Jeanne Mance-- corner Duluth/Esplanade
*If rain: Studios Lyne St-Roch, 103-4416 Saint-Laurent, 2 - 5 pm
RSVP dawn@dawnmauricio.com or bram.levinson@gmail.com
June 3, 7:00 – 8:30pm: Meditation & 54 Surya Namaskar
Charlie*Sattva*yoga-à-porter, 260 Bernard West, Montreal, QC
RSVP 514-510-5788 *Yoga by donation to David Suzuki Foundation
June 6 (9am–12pm): 180 Surya Namaskar + Potluck Brunch
Loft Crudessence, 5333 rue Casgrain, Suite 801, Montreal, QC
RSVP 514-271-0333 *Yoga by donation to DSF/ bring a veggie dish to share
June 12 (5:30 – 7:00pm): 54 Surya Namaskar by Candlelight
Lululemon Fairview, 6815 Transcanada, Pointe Claire, QC
RSVP 514-695-3613 *Yoga by donation to DSF
June 21-25, 6 – 9 am: Sunrise Sun Salutations + Breakfast
On the pier, one block east of Cartier St in Pointe Claire Village.
If rain @ Om WestCost: $120 for full week/ $200 for two weeks / $25 day
RSVP 514-905-8020 | www.westislandyoga.com (part of proceeds go to DSF)
June 28-July 2, 6 - 9am: Sunrise Sun Salutations + Breakfast
On the pier, one block east of Cartier St in Pointe Claire Village.
If rain @ Om WestCost: $120 for full week/ $200 for two weeks / $25 day
RSVP 514-905-8020 | www.westislandyoga.com (part of proceeds go to DSF)
FOR DETAILS VISIT: www.practicebliss.com/calendar/
More events added each week!
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