You've heard of parkour* running, but have you ever considered parkour yoga?
This afternoon, I was hanging out in park after a long walk with my ashtangi friends, Jamie and Jan, two very advanced yogis, and Jan's retriever, Sico. We were talking about my 108 and how I had 54 left for the day. They suggested it would be fun (and funny) to see me test my skills off the mat. Here's what we came up with:
This afternoon, I was hanging out in park after a long walk with my ashtangi friends, Jamie and Jan, two very advanced yogis, and Jan's retriever, Sico. We were talking about my 108 and how I had 54 left for the day. They suggested it would be fun (and funny) to see me test my skills off the mat. Here's what we came up with:
Surya Namaskar Recipe: Day 15 - The Parkour Salute

FYI, these 54 parkour sun salutations nearly killed me, but it was a fun adventure. A good challenge for any other yoga nerds out there wanting to step it up, literally.
*According to Wikipedia, Parkour (or parcours) "is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's movements to the environment."
Here's video of me sun saluting in the pond in Westmount Park:
Okay - much more impressive than the crow pose in my living room. You can see it here:
Sarah Sookman
I like your crow pose pic! :)