After spending eight days in Maine (ironically on the property where Taylor Swift just shot her latest video "Mine," which premiered tonight), I returned to teaching full time this week.
Things have been a little intense. I find myself wondering all the time if this was all a dream. Did I really do 108 days of sun salutations? Did I really do 32 hours of yoga straight?
While I was away on holiday, I spent a lot of time staring out at the ocean, fascinated by the line that divides the deep blue water from the pale blue sky. I wondered for a brief moment why so many, myself included, find this to be one of the most captivating and desirable views on earth. I think it's the immenseness of it-- this landscape of infinite space and endless possibilities. It's simultaneously exciting and terrifying.
At the moment my current state of mind is like a bit like a boey without an anchor. Part of me feels free-- free from the obligations of the last four months and free with a floating idea of accomplishment. The other side of me is getting tired of treading water, not knowing which way to go next. I feel antsy and a bit confused, which can be a little frightening after having so much direction and purpose.
I guess this is the stage 'they' call "TRANSITION"...
It's weird. I'm having a hard time processing everything and figuring out what to do with my spare time, what to teach and how to express myself. In truth, I'm feeling overwhelmed. A couple of my friends suggested that I'm in some kind of denial because I have been reluctant to talk about the challenge even to those closest to me. It's not that I don't want to talk or write about it, it's just that I don't really know how to communicate the experience right now. Perhaps it just hasn't sunk in yet.
Nevertheless, I made some big progress today. After staring at the unopened envelope containing the "Official Guinness World Record Certificate of Approval" on my desk for almost a week, totally intimidated by it (please don't ask), I finally caved to Craig's insistence.
It's pretty cool. Everything is there. They even spelled my name correctly.
(But don't rush out and buy the next Guinness Book of World Records for me, please. I won't be in this upcoming edition, because it was already published by the time I challenged record for the longest yoga marathon... Maybe next year!)
* Oh, and save the date: Sept 19, we're having a reunion yoga practice and pot luck at my studio.
Things have been a little intense. I find myself wondering all the time if this was all a dream. Did I really do 108 days of sun salutations? Did I really do 32 hours of yoga straight?
While I was away on holiday, I spent a lot of time staring out at the ocean, fascinated by the line that divides the deep blue water from the pale blue sky. I wondered for a brief moment why so many, myself included, find this to be one of the most captivating and desirable views on earth. I think it's the immenseness of it-- this landscape of infinite space and endless possibilities. It's simultaneously exciting and terrifying.
At the moment my current state of mind is like a bit like a boey without an anchor. Part of me feels free-- free from the obligations of the last four months and free with a floating idea of accomplishment. The other side of me is getting tired of treading water, not knowing which way to go next. I feel antsy and a bit confused, which can be a little frightening after having so much direction and purpose.
I guess this is the stage 'they' call "TRANSITION"...
It's weird. I'm having a hard time processing everything and figuring out what to do with my spare time, what to teach and how to express myself. In truth, I'm feeling overwhelmed. A couple of my friends suggested that I'm in some kind of denial because I have been reluctant to talk about the challenge even to those closest to me. It's not that I don't want to talk or write about it, it's just that I don't really know how to communicate the experience right now. Perhaps it just hasn't sunk in yet.
Nevertheless, I made some big progress today. After staring at the unopened envelope containing the "Official Guinness World Record Certificate of Approval" on my desk for almost a week, totally intimidated by it (please don't ask), I finally caved to Craig's insistence.
It's pretty cool. Everything is there. They even spelled my name correctly.
(But don't rush out and buy the next Guinness Book of World Records for me, please. I won't be in this upcoming edition, because it was already published by the time I challenged record for the longest yoga marathon... Maybe next year!)
* Oh, and save the date: Sept 19, we're having a reunion yoga practice and pot luck at my studio.
Welcome home Yasmin! Sept 19 is a wonderful day (my birthday ;) ). Unfortunately, it's also Terry Fox AND I have an 80th birthday party to attend (not mine). I would love to have joined your party but just don't think it will be possible. Will it be evening?
Enjoy living in the transition.. hard as it is. Besides, after all that accomplishment, you deserve to bask in joy for a good long while. Maybe I'll do a west coast 108 on Sept 19, just to be with you..
Ilani, the potluck with be in the evening at 5 pm. We're going to do a 108 sun salutation practice before from 2-4pm. Anthea, maybe you can join us via skype then?! :)